Think Positive!

Think positive if you want to be able to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. This will make you happier and more motivated and, in turn, allows you to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling depressed and stuck. The following are tips that you can use to help you think in more positive ways:

1.  Love yourself.
Eat well, do regular exercise and get enough rest.

2.  Remember all the things you are grateful for.
When you keep reminding yourself of the things that you do right in life, challenges and stresses will not seem quite as bad. It'll make a huge difference if you stop and appreciate the good things for a minute a day.

3.  Instead of making assumption, look for the proof.
Do not assume that we know what others are thinking just because we are afraid of not being liked or accepted, because such fear is not a reality in the first place. Speak up and ask if you feel that a friend or family member's bad mood is because of something you did. Unless you have proof that there is something to worry about, don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong.

4.  As far as possible do not use absolutes.
Refrain yourself from using absolutes such as 'always' and 'never' because they will make the situation seem worse than it really is. For example, never told your partner "You're always late!" or complained to a friend "You never call me". This will cause your brain to believe that your partner or friend is incapable of delivering.

5.  Avoid thinking negatively of anything.
If you don't judge your thoughts, they can't hold any power over you. Simply ignore the negative thoughts or detach from them and don't follow them.

6.  Get rid of the automatic negative thoughts.
Automatic negative thoughts are bad thoughts that are usually reactionary for examples "They are laughing; they must be talking about me," or "He wanted to see me, it must be bad!" You must kill these thoughts instantly because they are nothing more than automatic negative thoughts.

7.  Be nice and loving to your family and friends.
A good hug for example has a lot of benefits. Make positive physical contact with your loved ones, friends, and even pets. This will prevent you from thinking negatively of them.

8.  Socialize more.
Increase your social activity so that you will decrease loneliness. Get around and mingle with healthy, happy people; you will be affected in a positive way by their positive energy.

9.  Get involved in voluntary work or help other people.
Whether you volunteer your time, you resources, or your money, you will definitely feels better. You will receive more in return if you put out more positive energy into the world.

10.  Try changing your physical environment.
Sit outside or go for a walk, or call a friend, read a book or listen to music.

The Path to Success is Paved with Positive Thinking: How to Live a Joy-filled Life and Make Your Dreams Come True

The Path to Success is Paved with Positive Thinking: How to Live a Joy-filled Life and Make Your Dreams Come True

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